Low Cost Airlines - Multicom (& more)

An increasingly important part of our Multicom logoExternal Reservation System  (ERS) connections to Supplier Booking Systems is Low Cost Airlines. Instead of 'reinventing the wheel’, we have teamed up with “Multicom” to provide links to all the low cost airlines via their ‘Findandbook’ product.

This gives MARS Users the ability to book both low cost and charter airline seats as an integrated part of their ‘Dynamic’ tour package. Typically the Low Cost Airline seat would form the main part of the transport element of a holiday and be added to transfers, accommodation and resort services to form the individual holiday.

Regardless, of airport origin (it could be from virtually anywhere in Europe, for example) MARS will find the flight, book it and link it to the ground arrangements and provide a price for all elements.

Like all bookings - this can be done via your website(s) or call centre(s). It is a great demonstration of how MARS uses the latest technology to make our clients business life easier!